Optimized Gas Sensing & Reporting
Gas monitoring with advanced sensor analytics empowers assets and remote operations

Fumigation Monitoring
With accurate analysis of gas concentration over a specified period of time, you can acheive certifiable results and increase profit. Our online portal offers precise graphing of data in real time and alerts to irregularities in concentration, enabling actions to make corrections that save both time and money.
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Sterilant Monitoring
Monitoring gas concentration in hospitals, labs and other contained environments ensures the required levels of safety and sterilization. Whether in small, confined spaces, or open areas, our products deliver the information you need to stay up and running. Products are currently in development.
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Special Applications
Our systems and products are evolving into new areas. From fumigation within a defined perimeter, to monitoring with long spears embedded into a silo of grain, the applications of this technology are limitless. Products are currently in development.
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Phosphine Monitors

PM100 Series
Single Zone, High- and Low-Range Phosphine Monitors
For remote, portable data collection of gas concentration in fumigations
- Integrated communications: WiFi, Cellular, LoRa
- Sensor: electrochemical
- IP67 weather-resistant case

PM400 Series
Multizone High-Range Phosphine Monitors
For fixed or transportable remote data collection of commodity fumigations
- Integrated communications: WiFi, Cellular, LoRa
- Sensor: infrared (NDIR)
- Extended sampling range up to 10,000ppm (1%)
- NEMA & IP67 weather-resistant cases

Sulfuryl Fluoride Monitors

Low-Range Sulfuryl Fluoride Clearance Monitor
Portable monitor for sulfuryl fluoride fumigation clearance
- Sensor: infrared (NDIR)
- Continuous read, continuous motion operation
- Onboard diagnostics and status updates
- Rugged operation in any orientation
- Battery or mains power operation

High-Range Portable Sulfuryl Fluoride Fumigation Monitor
Portable monitor for sulfuryl fluoride concentration readings in structural and commodity fumigations. Automatically adjusts readings to account for pressure changes due to long sample line runs, and differences between monitor ambient temperatures and fumigation headspace temperatures.
- Sensor: infrared (NDIR)
- Extended sampling range up to 500g/M3
- Continuous read, bright back-lit digital display values in 0.1g/M3 resolution
- Onboard diagnostics and status updates assures proper performance to specifications
- Rugged operation in any orientation
- Battery or mains power operation

SF400 Series
Multizone Sulfuryl Fluoride Fumigation Monitor
For fixed or transportable remote data collection in structural and commodity fumigations. Automatically adjusts readings to account for pressure changes due to long sample line runs, and differences between monitor ambient temperatures and fumigation headspace temperatures.
- Integrated communications: WiFi, Cellular, LoRa
- Sensor: infrared (NDIR)
- Extended sampling range: up to 500g/M3
- NEMA & IP67 weather-resistant cases

Methyl Bromide Monitors

Methyl Bromide Fumigation Monitor
Portable, USDA-approved QPS fumigation treatment monitor for commodity fumigations.
- Sensor: infrared (NDIR)
- Extended sampling range up to 500g/M3
- Continuous read, back-lit digital display
- Rugged operation in any orientation
- Battery or mains power operation

MB400 Series
High-Range Methyl Bromide Monitor*
Fixed and transportable, USDA-approved QPS fumigation treatment monitor for commodity fumigations.
*Also known as MBContainIR in USDA Manual
- Integrated communications: WiFi, Cellular, LoRa
- Sensor: infrared (NDIR)
- Extended sampling range up to 500g/M3
- NEMA & IP67 weather-resistant cases
Online Monitor Portal
Remote Data Collection and Reporting
Our online portal is a diversified sensor platform for measuring gas concentrations of fumigants and sterilants, temperature, relative humidityand more. Customers can access real-time data, review logs and alerts and generate reports. Data is securely transferred via 256-bit SSL Encryption via Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Read status from nearly unlimited numbers of digital or analog sensors including on/off status, open/closed conditions, temperatures, and real-time fumigation gas concentrations.

Near limitless data logging of gas concentration, date, and time. A low-voltage relay output can trigger lights, sirens, or other devices. System LEDs display alarm status, power status, and internet connection strength.

In the event of an alarm, receive alert notifications via e-mail and text message.


Handheld Thermal Printer for collecting concentration data
Provides a hard copy of the last 200 measurements in fumigation or structural clearance. Concentration/Time/Date values are presented.
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Auxiliary Data Logger/Alarm Box & Siren
Three independent, user-programmable alarm thresholds allow for flexibility in alarm notification. Two internal relays can control fans, horns, or beacons when thresholds are exceeded.
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Battery & Charger Set
Replacement OEM lithium ion battery and accompanying charger for any of our gas fumigation monitors.
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